The Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Centre (GMMDC) is an Engagement Entity based in the Science Faculty at Nelson Mandela University. For over a decade, the GMMDC has been dedicated to the development of customized Techno-Blended Models (TBM) and Teaching & Learning resources aimed at enhancing STEM education in under-resourced public schools. This has been achieved through a participative action research approach, which involved successful development project implementations in schools mostly in the Eastern Cape Province. These projects were designed to facilitate practical integration of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge to improve learning and delivery of the CAPS Mathematics and Physical Sciences curriculum in schools. Additionally, the TBM approach has been utilized in modern professional skills development programmess for teachers and after-school incubation programs for learners. Since 2018, the GMMDC has expanded its programme to include STEAM education development projects in schools, which aim to promote trans-disciplinarity, critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. Furthermore, a novel national STEAM project in schools, focusing on promoting connections between Mathematics and Art, was offered annually, allowing learners to explore new frontiers and expand their learning horizons.
GMMDC's inventive STEAM projects and interactive digital resources, aligned with the CAPS curriculum, are tailored for adaptable access and support. Each year, thousands of project teachers and learners experience the benefits, witnessing improved academic results and gaining access to post-matric studies and employment opportunities. The curated resources provide a dynamic learning environment, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills. The GMMDC engagement in schools also act as a bridge between the classroom and the real world, ensuring that learners are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.
Through these engagement initiatives, the GMMDC seeks to empower educators and learners alike, enabling them to contribute to sustainable development and to thrive in the complex and rapidly changing education landscape of the 21st century.